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Canada Sportswear is a Toronto-based family company that has been operating since 1954, selling exclusively through the wholesale network. We started off as a domestic producer focusing in outerwear, supplying Canada’s big-box stores. In addition to producing today, the company has developed into an importer of numerous garment goods, such as outerwear, knit and woven shirts, tracksuits, fleece, different accessory items, and many others.

Canada Sportswear’s history as a local manufacturer plays a crucial role in the development of the business. Leather, melton, canvas, cotton, and polyesters in woven or knit material are the main components of our products, whether they are made domestically or importedly. We make sure to use the most up-to-date technological fabrics to develop products of the highest quality.
Canada Sportswear flourishes by adhering to three major areas in addition to offering high-quality items and excellent customer service:

1) To support our catalogue, we carry a broad selection of inventory all year round. We are dedicated to offering our clients goods in every size and colour. This is available from us under the venerable Canada Sportswear brand as well as the labels CX2, Muskoka Trail, Wild River, Heritage 54, and the recently launched CSW 24/7.

2) We can import or create custom clothing domestically in accordance with customer requirements. These clothes are available in any colour and material.

3) We provide full-service interior design.
We ship within 24 hours and distribute out of Toronto. Our commitment to customer care is complemented by our safe, secure online purchase process and our friendly customer support professionals. Our family values are passed on to our clients, suppliers, and staff. We value truthfulness, morality, and respect for one another.
Discover the Canada Sportswear business model.
Wear to Go is the motto of Canada Sportswear.

Code of Conduct and Vendor Compliance Summary

Canada Sportswear strives to operate in an extremely responsible manner. To help you better understand what it means to adhere to our vendor compliance and code of conduct, the following summary is provided. It stands for the thoroughness with which we inspect factories to see whether they adhere to the principles and standards of our business.
All factories that create products for Canada Sportswear Corp. or any of its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, or agents are subject to this Code of Vendor Conduct.