Professionalism in your Photography

You signed on to linkedin this morning to see a potential customer you have…

First Impressions Matter

Although I am young and have not been in business for years like my father, or…

Keep Your ID and Credit Card Close to you

With each day the promotional product industry changes and new things are…

Are you doing enough self promos?

So, its the summer, and business may start to slow down, and you know you want…

Is your Logo Very 1990?

I am part of a business networking group where the goal is to bring each other…

Finishing the job right

When each job is put into production it has to be finished properly so it looks…


So incase you weren't aware JR Shooter is moving our offices. Since I came…

Spring Time is Upon Us

So, just last week I wrote about how to stay warm in this long and cold winter,…

How To Stay Warm in the Winter

It's March 3rd and the winter feels like it is never going to end. However, it…

Get Fit in the New Year

As the years go on, and the people in the public eye are slimmer and fitter,…